How to Combine Files into One PDF in Adobe Acrobat

One of Adobe Acrobat’s most convenient features lets you combine files into one PDF. Best of all, the files don’t have to be other PDFs—you can combine nearly any file (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or image) as long as you have the corresponding software on your computer.

This tutorial walks through all the steps to combine files. Plus, the bonus section at the end shows how to organize and delete pages after combining the files.

Version Alert: If you are using Adobe Acrobat Pro with the 2023 interface update, please see the new version of this tutorial, “How to Combine PDFs into One in Adobe Acrobat Pro (2023 Interface Update).”

The files you combine will be converted to the PDF format. So, files with interactive properties (such as Excel files) will be “flattened” to a text format. (However, the original file will not be affected.)

This tutorial is available as a YouTube video showing all the steps in real time.

Watch more than 200 other writing-related software tutorials on my YouTube channel.

The images below are from Adobe Acrobat (2022 version). The steps are the same in Adobe Acrobat Standard DC, Adobe Acrobat 2020, and Adobe Acrobat 2017. Adobe’s free PDF display software, Acrobat Reader, does not have a tool for combining files.

How to Combine Files into One PDF

  1. Select the Tools tab.
Adobe Acrobat Tools Tab
  1. Select the Combine Files button in the Tools Center.
Adobe Acrobat Combine Files Button
  1. Select the Add Files button.
Adobe Acrobat Add Files Button
  1. Navigate to the first file you want to add in the Add Files dialog box.

Pro Tip: You can select multiple files within the same folder by pressing the Ctrl key while selecting additional files.

Selected files in the Add Files dialog box in Adobe Acrobat

  1. Select the Open button.
Open button in the Add Files dialog box in Adobe Acrobat
  1. Select the Add Files button in the Combine Files toolbar to add additional files.
Add Files button in the Combine Files toolbar in Adobe Acrobat
  1. Select Add Files from the drop-down menu.
Add Files option from the Add Files menu in Adobe Acrobat
  1. Repeat steps 4 through 7 until you have added all your files.

Pro Tip: Combine Specific Pages

You can combine specific pages from individual files.

  1. Double-click the file to expand the pages.
Expanded view of files to be combined in Adobe Acrobat
  1. Select pages you want to remove and then select the Delete button.
Delete button in expanded view of combined files in Adobe Acrobat

You can also reorder the pages by dragging them into a different position within the expanded view.

Collapse button in the expanded view of combined files in Adobe Acrobat

  1. Select the Collapse button when you are finished deleting or reordering pages.

Combine button in Adobe Acrobat

  1. Select the Combine button in the Combine Files toolbar. (The process may take several minutes depending on file sizes.)

The new combined file will be called binder#.pdf.

Binder file name in Adobe Acrobat

  1. (Optional Step) Select the File tab followed by Save As to save your file under another name.
Save As option in Adobe Acrobat

The next section shows how to organize and delete pages after combining the files.

How to Organize Pages after Combining Files

This method can also be used for regular (non-combined) PDFs.

  1. Select the Tools tab (see figure 1).
  2. Select the Organize Pages button in the Tools Center.
Organize Pages button in Adobe Acrobat
  1. Select and drag pages to new positions.
Dragging page to new position in Adobe Acrobat
  1. Select pages and then select the Delete button to remove pages.
Delete button in the Organize Pages toolbar in Adobe Acrobat
  1. Select the Close button in the Organize Pages toolbar.
Organize Pages Close button in Adobe Acrobat

After combining and organizing your pages, you can add page numbers to further unify the PDF.

Related Resources

Updated June 17, 2023